
Steamy Saturday

I woke up in the middle of the night, thinking, "I forgot tomorrow is organics pick up," so I set my alarm to get my compostable spazzatura out before the garbage truck came through! A hot day deserves a cold start. Andrea, Mariella, Elena, the kids and I packed into the Cleo. I was thrilled Andrea was joining us. But I noticed we were driving away from Scandura.  Evidently day care covers Saturdays, whether you want it or not, so Elena drops off the kids in order to do her errands, go to the beautician or nail salon, etc. What a beautiful thing. Ok; so it'll be us gals then. Nope. We then drove up to the vigne property. Lots of tennis players. Elena explained that the courts they trained on in Adrano were switched, by the Adrano mayor, to basketball courts. So the tennis team lost their venue. Vincenzo offered his tennis courts at the vigne to their coach, as they are regulation size. Andrea got out of the car. Evidently she is not joining us; she is getting the house r

Good Medicine, All Around

I woke up this morning to a text from my sister, so I am now on a mission.  You may remember from previous posts that I have both a favorite pharmacy and favorite pharmacist. She was in today. I waited until she was the one free to help me. To back up in history, some of you may know the Italy/Doug's medicine connection. If not: When my mom, Lori, Doug, Joe and I were in Italy together in 2019, it was Lori and Doug's first time here. Doug can have a cold sore flare up when he is stressed or whatever. My niece got married just before this big trip, so a lot was going on in September. I think we were in Rome when Doug felt one was beginning to percolate under his lip. He was bummed, knowing that he would be traveling for days with this ugly sore on his face, since he couldn't catch it ahead of time with some of his prescription medicine that was back home. No big deal, I said. We will go to a pharmacy and get some cream. But I don't have a prescription with me! he lamente

Checking out the Scenery and Available Real Estate, then Fireworks

Work, work, work. From Sicily, I landed two landscape jobs back home. I'll need to squeeze them in, between Sicily and my upcoming trips to Milwaukee and Scottsdale, but it will be nice to replenish the funds I spent during this time here! It's warm today; 85⁰F and sunny, which, if one could have a favorite weather day, this would be mine. I had no particular thing to buy, but wanted to get outside. I stopped to ask Andrea if she needed anything, when Ettore came out of his room. No school today? "Febbre," Andrea explained. A fever. That's why the boys didn't come up to play last night. I said I could take him upstairs, but she thought perhaps later, after he rests a little more. I decided to walk around and see what other changes are taking place in Biancavilla, and what homes may be for sale. I hadn't yet been to the belvedere, so I decided to start there then look around. But first, a perpendicular street down to it. I passed two guys getting into their