Steamy Saturday
I woke up in the middle of the night, thinking, "I forgot tomorrow is organics pick up," so I set my alarm to get my compostable spazzatura out before the garbage truck came through! A hot day deserves a cold start. Andrea, Mariella, Elena, the kids and I packed into the Cleo. I was thrilled Andrea was joining us. But I noticed we were driving away from Scandura. Evidently day care covers Saturdays, whether you want it or not, so Elena drops off the kids in order to do her errands, go to the beautician or nail salon, etc. What a beautiful thing. Ok; so it'll be us gals then. Nope. We then drove up to the vigne property. Lots of tennis players. Elena explained that the courts they trained on in Adrano were switched, by the Adrano mayor, to basketball courts. So the tennis team lost their venue. Vincenzo offered his tennis courts at the vigne to their coach, as they are regulation size. Andrea got out of the car. Evidently she is not joining us; she is getting the house r...