Searching for a House, Going to a Funeral

With all that's been happening, I forgot to take out the organics garbage. Good thing it's not July. Later on today is the funeral, but I got up and dressed for it right away. The visitation is still going on. We stopped in to visit with a few people, and Mariella asked us to lunch with them. I protested, saying she's doing too much! " Piccolo, piccolo ," it's just a little lunch. Older brother Giuseppe arrived from Milano, his family still there due to work and school obligations. We chatted with him briefly, but because of the distance, he's the one we know the least (except what we see on the family chat group, which we're a part of). I believe Mariella and Vincenzo are hosting him as well as Luisa and Ciro. I checked if anything was needed, then we headed outside for a walk to Scandura, forgetting --until we got to each-- that both Scandura and Artigiana are closed Mondays. In fact, I also forgot it is Monday! It's finally beginning to look lik...