Farmacia e Tortorello

I did most of my housecleaning today; I'll get to the first floor bed/bath tomorrow. That's an area we both really use, and I procrastinate on the chore of it because it is so much work. I'll start on it while my hair color percolates tomorrow morning. Upstairs, I got everything cleaned and the perennial laundry washed and hung, then started yet another batch of chocolate chip cookies, confident I've got the high-altitude, Italian-substitute- ingredient, Fahrenheit to Celsius, cups and tsp to grams finally figured out! I'm leaving the cookie production area as the last to clean. The cookies are 98% there. Don't let perfection be the thief of joy, Kahren. Between testing and tweaking, I ate six cookies. Now I understand why all those ceramic figures of bakers are portly portrayals. Pretty darn close Joe wanted to walk to the farmacia , and it was nearly noon. I said I'd finish the current batch in the oven, shove the rest of the dough into the fridge, and he...