Eating and Drinking the Wild

Good morning! We got an extra hour of sleep, since the end of ora legale happened overnight. Daylight Savings Time finished here. What a treat, getting more time this morning. As much as lolling over coffee in my PJs sounded heavenly, I wanted to walk to Scandura to buy a bottle of Ca' del Bosco for our hosts today. Although the cost tilts close to €40, I am honored to be invited to this event. It's the host's birthday, for one, and it wouldn't hurt to make Giuseppe Uno proud to bring appreciative guests. Besides, where can you go for wine, bubbly, more wine, digestivi, hand-picked wild herbs, chestnuts, and porcini mushrooms; three meat courses, wood-fired French fries, cheese, artisan bread, cake, biscotti di morti in every flavor, caffè, and a specialty gelato -- al aperto in a beautiful hillside vineyard-- for €20 per person? Totally worth the price of the bubbly. Gas here, not so much. Don't be fooled by the price. It's per liter, making it around $6/gall...