Centro Sicilia & Sara

Mariella called after her Pilates class, ready to take me to the Geox at Centro Sicilia, but I asked if Joe and I could take the Cleo and go on our own, as we had some other shopping to do. I didn't want to put her out, and I didn't want to have to hurry. She said yes, and then a rapid fire of words I didn't understand, then we saw her heading off to the cemetery as we were getting into the Cleo. This particular roundabout in Misterbianco has often been a thorn in our side. Google or Apple Maps rarely get the directions right, and we often, and by that I also mean today, end up in what I told Joe, "feels like a Spir-O-Graph". Although we went off track toward Paternò, it's nice to look up from the back roads and see a Norman castle through the fencing Finally arriving at Centro Sicilia, Joe found a good parking spot despite the place being incredibly packed on a Monday. Whenever I go there with Elena, she asks, "Don't these people work?" Maybe t...