
Showing posts with the label Tuscany

Siena... my favorite

Today, off to another walled city: Siena! By far, my favorite. The entire town is drenched in beauty. Having posted our travel intentions on Facebook for this day, our friends Cara and Stefano weighed in, saying they're within a half hour's drive. They are renovating a house in Montelcino, overlooking the Valle d'Orcia. Here are views from their house: We planned to time it so we could meet for lunch. But first, a peek around town. Again; mostly photos and captions. I couldn't keep up with daily blog posts! Siena's important feature, other than it's beauty, is that it's the birthplace of Italy's female patron saint, who is also my onomastic saint, Santa Caterina. I noticed that her symbol, the giglio (lily/fleur-de-lis), is the same as San Giuseppe's. It's one of my favorite flowers; I think it's serendipitous that we have a yard full of them. "Our" flower! Siena's city walls; truly reminiscent of the color 'Burnt Siena...