Raccolta di Castagne, pranzo, teatro

This morning, I woke up ready for a lazy day. Not gonna happen. An early email from our neighbor back home notified us that there are signs of a mouse in the house. There's never "a" mouse. This is one of my nightmares. When I think of my reaction, I see a hundred cartoon balloons surrounding my head, with EEK!!!! inside every one of them. What now? I got dressed, went upstairs, made coffee, and shortly afterward, the phone rang. (Joe's still in his bathrobe). "Want to go to the vigna ?" Elena asked, "We are at the front door". I love nothing more than lounging in my pj's, but I've learned my lesson over the years. There is no planning here; only action. Be ready. So Joe stayed home while the women, including Giovanna, and kids drove to the vineyard house. We collected the ripened chestnuts, which fall to the ground after they open, making them easy to harvest. We also gathered the caliceddi , which I just learned are friarielli , the wild,...