Buon viaggio pranzo e Fontanarossa

Last minute everything -- stripping the bed, gathering up bath towels, accappatoi , rugs, dish towels; final wipe down of bathrooms, kitchen, etc. I labeled and left the spazzatura on the balcony and corralled ingredients that others might use, in a box on the counter. We took a walk to get cigars from the tabaccheria , and I want some Balsamo di San Luigi for the callous I earned on my toe from walking cambered streets in new-ish shoes. Joe reminded me to take a number at the pharmacy. There was a long line. But, you guessed it; my favorite pharmacist came out from behind the counter and ushered me to another register with no line. We wished each other Buon Natale , and I told her we're leaving but will be back soon. Now back home, I grabbed the Etna white wine from the fridge, and got ready to eat our last Mariella lunch (for a while)! The elevator down to her kitchen was already perfumed with the treats that would await us. Mariella's "classic" presepe. I'm wo...