And then there's Monday
I'll confess. I slept in a little. Hot shower, breakfast, and a walk to Le Griffe with Joe, to see if they had a Liu Jo sweatshirt for half price. Yes, but not in my size. No belt for Joe, either, as he's in search of one.
A quick stop at the grocer for salad and juice, then we checked out the new panetteria on viale dei Fiore.
I fell for the pretty schiacciata -- pistacchio, burrata, prosciutto -- and a loaf of artisan bread. The schiacciata pieces were the size of half a Dominoes pizza, and twice as thick, but I still was shocked the total of that and the bread came to €10! Until I picked up the wrapped schiacciata. If they charge by weight, this one felt like the first time I picked up my newborn son John. Anyway; it's delicious.
I made caffè after lunch, washed dishes, did the never-ending laundry, and otherwise spent the whole day writing the weekend's blog entries!
Tonight, I think I'll keep with the pistacchio theme for supper.
Rachi said she wanted to connect today to organize her trip to Minnesota. When Mariella overheard this, she said to make a nice trip there with her parents (which I think is a great idea). Rachi flatly said no. She is going there to fully immerse in English and tennis, and if her parents are there, she won't be speaking only English. She will do this on her own. Wow. Ok!
I can't imagine having that wherewithal when I was fourteen. Maybe my kids did, however. In any case, I'm impressed.
I got in a little text chatting with Nikos and Maria tonight, and had a nice call with Nikos last night, which he answered while at his Friendsgiving, no less! I feel special! I floated a text out to Child #1, but I'm waiting to hear back.
Right now though, at 9:30 pm and still fighting some crud, I'm planning to make a TheraFlu cocktail and crawl into bed.
Sometimes you just have to have a boring day. Maybe tomorrow we can take the car somewhere fun to explore.
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