
Trani, Bari (and Santa Claus)

We put in a lot of footsteps and car mileage the past couple of days. We decided to explore closer to “home,” and with my friend, Nicola di Veredicis, being from Trani, I had to check out his terra of influence.  With a pretty harbor and imposing cathedral (complete with my favorite feature—a crypt), this town would be charming enough. But the Villa Communale, which is the green space along the waterfront, is a lush central park filled with pretty flowers and all sorts of art. Modern sculptures contrast with ancient urns. There is a concentric circular path up to what is left of a watchtower, and a fortress. Fortress Cattedrale San Nicola I have a thing for old men Two-toned streets Fortress/Harbor Sarcophagus outside of cathedral  Church door detail The remnants from the Easter processions, collected into a church corner Cattedrale Frescoes Going down Crypt Crypt Harbor/fortress Portal detail Gargoyles keep watch Nets Work is finished by 10 am Villa  Circular tower path ...