Dieta Dopo Domani

After a long, wonderful, hugging-ful goodbye on via Trapani, Elena took me to Scandura for my Biancavilla send-,off.

Although I ate tons yesterday, how could I deny myself a fresh from the oven Scandura cornetto at 6:00 in the morning? Seemed wrong to say no. A full-fat cappucc' topped it off.

Elena and I had great conversations, alone for once in the car. So much was shared in a half hour. I admire her approach to life. She filled me in with more detail on Giovanna's tragic history. And Giovanna is happy and loving, despite everything. Elena said she's always kept that demeanor. It makes me even more fond of her! Giovanna gave me a lovely goodbye last night. I do believe she, Mariella, Elena, and I will be "sisters" forever.

And now I'm at Fontanarossa, where the food rivals some of the best places in Sicily. I ordered another caffe, the barista expertly twirling the saucer mid-air several gyrations before landing my perfectly crafted cremosa caffรจ atop It. On impulse, i ordered a pistachio arancino to go.

Oh, and btw, my suitcases made the grade.

With time to kill, and because these airport shops boats the same prices you'd pay in Biancavilla for the goods (as opposed to a $12 thinly-smeared egg salad sandwich at MSP), I did some shopping, telling myself I won't buy anything unless 1) it's really special, or 2) I find the Etna Dry gin I've wanted to try. Let's just say I may have a martini tonight.

Still on a quest for earrings, I poked around a few shops. Then I saw the place where I remembered getting an amazing arancino last year, so... I bought another one. It might make it home. I seriously have an addiction.

My first flight is delayed, so I have stress waiting for me on the back burner. What the hell, Germans? Aren't you all about efficiency and being on time?

Out of my control, but crossing fingers. Nikos has a friend cycling across America, and I want to cook for him tonight! He's staying at our house, bicycling there today from Madison, WI. What a cool trip. I can't wait to meet him.

The Gate is crowded, so hopefully we will board soon. Take off is scheduled in 45 minutes.

I'll say goodbye to Catania, and see some of you in a few days. Wish me and my baggage luck in arriving MSP altogether, in one piece, and on time!

See you soon, Sicilia๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

Ciao ciao ciao ciao ciao (there's always more than one ciao).


I arrived at Francoforte airport with time to spare, a cool breeze to dry my Catanese sweat, and, thanks to the quick and powerful WiFi, an "I love you" text from Elena.

Although this airport is behemoth, it is clean, well laid out, and efficient. There is a huge room of fussball tables, a hermetically sealed smoking lounge, lots of places to grab a beer, and lounge chairs that must be sought after if your flight is cancelled and you're bunking at the airport.

I decided to get another bump of caffeine to get me through boarding. It's not Scandura espresso, but this is one darn good, rich cup of coffee. I'd like this in my drip coffee maker at home. I was tempted by the yummy pastries, but decided instead to have the remaining bar of dark chocolate, courtesy of my morning's Lufthansa flight.

I was just offered a discount upgrade to first class for €235, but I don't need glassware and an extra snack--dieta, after all!

We're likely boarding in 20 minutes.

See you stateside!


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