He’s Off, They’re Up

It seemed as if the three strikes were up, but no; Nikos had another snag trying to leave Italy. He really does fit in here. The Motherland is trying to tell him to stay. After the potential Agrigento stall, the delay in Catania, and his flight cancellation in Rome yesterday, Nikos set off to the airport and arrived 3 hours before his rescheduled flight. Luckily, he had this narrow cushion, since Delta messed up a couple of times. First, he went to the terminal for his flight; Delta said oops wrong terminal, and sent him to a different one. Delta was wrong. Indeed Nikos was to be at the original terminal, from where he had just left. Great—he had time, although, what a pain in the butt. With the flight cancellations yesterday, there was a long check-in line. Nikos finally got to the front of it, and learned that Delta’s promise that his Covid test for the canceled flight would still be ok, was indeed a lie. He had to leave the long line, and get to the back of another very long line fo...