The Breaks

My beautiful plate from Mariella didn’t make it through the flight.

Our wonderful hosts have a sauna!

A small but sweet gift we’ll leave for them.

Just a small glimpse of the TSA line-up…

Serpentine lines went for blocks.

Daily blogging takes a bit of commitment, I’ve learned. Especially when I’m on the move. 

The latest travel jaunt was grueling, the worst of it being a broken hand-painted Caltigirone platter (a special gift from Mariella), and losing the pretty scarf (bought in Sicily) on the train. We were also damn tired, which didn’t help matters (albeit a partway self-inflicted condition).

The next few weeks involve a lot of moving around, so I’ll take a break and post when I can; it’ll be more consistent when I’m back “on the job” again.

I’m back in Minnesota just briefly, and it will be great to see both my family and Joe’s.

Peek in on occasion—I still like to blab!


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