Tanti Auguri (Happy Birthday)
Baby Tea.
Giuseppe’s parents, Elena’s parents (the oft-mentioned Mariella and Vincenzo), Nonno in center of pic, Elena in hâute couture.
Andrea, and mugs to take home.
The oven magicians.
Sicilian red.
Karen’s Day Care.
Ettore liked his balloons.
A lot disappeared before I snapped the food assortment.
Entrance to loft.
Bowling lane.
I hit a repeat of Alessanro’s family. First/last with Agnese, second with Rachela. Third is Lilliana’s family.
The play room, ready for a new 2-year-old!
Tanti Auguri “palloncini”
Sicilian Prosecco.
Illuminated butterfly dancer (through the bouncy pit)
Today, Ettore, this bundle of sweet, intelligent, and occasionally mischievous energy, turns two!
Although I know Elena has more elegant accoutrements for a party, I wanted to bring some homemade dècor to the playroom. After an early lunch that, honestly, I was uncomfortably full after eating, Joe headed home and I went toward viale dei Fiori to look for balloons, markers, etc. Once again, the “Chinese store” helped with a few things, and I found quite a bit more at the stationers. They had greeting cards, some in English! (Still haven’t found a sympathy card—I seriously don’t think they’re a thing here).
Back to the loft to hand-draw signs and a bowling lane, blow balloons, and hang things, and write out a card to go with the gifts.
Mariella came up to say Harry Potter the Oven Repairman was coming to reinstall ours, which he and his helper did in no time! She saw the playroom and seemed genuinely touched by my efforts. A few minutes after she left, she and Elena returned. They both loved it, though I thought it looked pretty darn homespun.
Ettore came upstairs really early today. We had a great birthday time together, us two, bowling and playing balloon toss and singing. Lilliana’s kids, including baby Tea, and then Agnese came up and it was a regular day care scene! I think kids fall into a rhythm when there are a bunch of them together. Reji, Tea’s dad, came later to hang out, and a while after that, so did Lilliana.
Then it was time to change clothes and go to a “birthday party”. I opted for black slacks and heels, and a dressy sweater, which was a good call. At first, it was deja-vu; the jumping and sliding and bouncing things, with crunchy snacks and juice boxes and lots of kids. Then food came out. Kids started eating, then one of the many Giuseppes motioned for us to get some. Mozzarella in carozza, slider-sized layered sandwiches, etc. It was a great series of appetizers that was fine for a supper, since I was still stuffed.
The lights went out, and there was a dancer (like an ice skater’s dance without ice or skates) wearing an illuminated butterfly costume. Ettore was mesmerized, along with the other kids. And, um, me.
But thennnnn. Giuseppe and friends, one after the other, carrying tray after tray. Rosticceria…. Arancini (different varieties: salmon, ragù, and of course pistachio), prosciutto “bombs,” roasted eggplant and olive baked into a crust, etc, etc,…. Dammit; I ate it all! And then the wine. Two types of Sicilian red, and a Sicilian Prosecco. And a cake to rival the work of wedding cakes. A photo session of Ettore with all his guests, at the cake table near the spot where Nonno was seated. Giuseppe walked past and asked him how our favorite Communista was doing tonight. And then there’s Elena, looking beautiful and stylish through it all!
We enjoyed the evening. Best kids’ party I’ve ever attended; a lot due to the fun conversations we had with guests. I leaned over to Joe at one point and said, my hand-crafted birthday placemats and homemade Packers cake (amongst other themes) pale in comparison!
We left early; got home around 11:00 (p.m.). Tomorrow, I understand, we will be eating donkey. For now, I’m going to crash—I can only imagine what I’d feel like if I had school tomorrow!
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