Closer and Clothier
We saw this, coming and going today. The Norman Castle of Adrano from SS284. Another view from the car. Today is a nice day, but there’s a small chill in the air. We hung out for a bit in the morning, then decided to go to Etnapolis to shop. It’s quieter there on weekdays. Taking SS284, we saw Adrano from afar, and lots of fresh snow atop Etna in the other direction. No photo of that, since Joe’s big ol’ head took up the frame. But what caught our eye was straight ahead—a murmuration of starlings. They shifted form, pattern, and speed; they swooped and appeared to be sewing the sky with black velvet buttons. I haven’t witnessed this in person until now, I’ve only seen it on videos. I understand the starlings innately know to flock this way as a method to confuse their predators. They also do it, contrary as their constant movement may suggest, to conserve energy during a flight. It’s beautiful and eerie all at once. We also saw them 3 hours later, upon our return trip. So, Etnapolis. I...