
Showing posts from October, 2024

House hunting, Harvesting

  Grape arbor frames the countryside  Villa delle Favare I woke up extra early, to shower and be ready at a moment's notice. I wasn't sure what time Vincenzo would call to go look at the apartment this morning. While waiting, I grabbed the blueberry muffins to bring to Elena and Mariella. Mariella and Andrea came off the elevator just as I hit the landing. Inside Elena's place, we went to the kitchen. Mariella said Vincenzo will soon take us to see the apartment, then asked about the tenerumi, so I ran back upstairs to get it. Andrea reiterated that Nonno would clean it, then I needed only onions, olive oil, and tomatoes to make the brodo , before adding the broken spaghetti. When I came back, Elena, wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and looking a bit bedraggled (but still darling), shuffled sleepily into the kitchen. Joe an I heard Matteo crying several times throughout the night, so we guessed she'd be exhausted today. "Matteo wanted milk, then threw the bot

The Market, i Supermercati, What's On the Market

I told Joe last night, "I'm setting the alarm for 7:30, so I can get to the Wednesday Market before 9". It was a restless night; our body clocks are still off, so we took turns throughout the night waking each other up. Joe was zonked out as I showered, dressed, and slipped out the door. I didn't want to wake him, and I knew he didn't want to go to the market. Cutting through the neighborhood from behind the main church piazza, I saw Andrea walking toward me. Before I could speak, she dove in for a 1-2 kiss, and asked, "Vai al mercato?" You're off to the market? Yes, do you need anything from there? I've already been there and home. Aggghh. She's stunning AND efficient. Along the way, I saw the streets in various stages of de-decoration from Biancavilla's patron saint festival, Festa di San Placido. We experienced this festival the first time we came to Biancavilla, with my family. We just missed it this year. An ancient street with a swe