Buona Vigilia o Buona Festa di San Silvestro
San Silvestro Good vigil for the top of the year, literally Lilo, Elena (and baby), and Rosalba Ettore on balcony watching fireworks Down the street, these kids created a smaller but festive show Ettore, Isede, Piera, savory trifle Gamberone Dentice aka red snapper All the rest Baccalà First course Cigars on terrace Fireworks Haze Elena’s torta Ficodindia Cream puff yummies Giuseppe G opening the panettone Blurry Joe in front, fireworks in back Haze Piera, who just had a baby a few days ago Carmelo, with grandkids, watching fireworks at the window My pre-Befana book for Ettore New luxury apartments in Biancavilla. As Elena says, “and they are painted and finished” (see photo which shows counterpart, below). Lo, e’re a rose are blooming Etna, and a huge silver mound artemisia in foreground These blocky things are new construction. You see them everywhere, and wonder when the project will finish. More construction blocks Random vista from our morn...