Hiking, Gelato, Jazz

We had a quick cup of coffee and got dressed. I put together a small backpack with water, snacks, a loaf of bread, cheese, and salami. And Vitamin C throat lozenges. I had the points of interest narrowed to three, made sure they were on my phone, and off to our hiking day!

We drove toward Nicolosi, a hilly area that bicyclists seem to love.

Our first destination, Cava di Nicolosi. It’s importance relates to the literal foundations of this area. It is on Etna Park (which is vast), and was a primary area of lava flow. From this treasure trove of solidified lava, many pieces of what built Catania province were excavated and honed. 

The excavations are finished, and nature has taken over. It is black with lava, and has a uniquely rich landscape.

Etna was a bit of a bitch today; first, as we drove up, showed off all her splendid glory. Then, on the hike, she pulled a thick shroud of gray clouds around to obscure her—sunshine and blue skies everywhere else.

We don’t know what’s ahead, but he’ll get there first!

Joe was so far ahead, that when this man on muleback approached and saw me, he asked if I were wandering the paths alone. I explained, yes and no. I’m peeking into caves and looking down paths, but my fiancĂ© is up ahead somewhere. He asked where I was from, then told me I was trekking properly, savoring every path and turn. He was super nice.

I don’t love selfies, but feel I should occasionally show that I too am here!

Our next stops, though pretty, we’re not what we were looking for! The signage situation is dire.

Passing through the little town of Ragalna both ways, I saw that it was not only charming, but, like Biancavilla, in a state of sprucing up. I like the feel of the town. We had a brief moment thinking we’d be stuck there a while, seeing a bus trying to make a curve.

We got home in time for me to nap a bit before Lilliana and family arrived.

When they did, we all trooped to Scandura. My favorite server, Riccardo, saw our group, then gave me a huge smile when he noticed me. “Aperitivo?” he asked, being the one who designs special drinks to match my clothes. “No, solomente gelato”. He set us up, and when I told him we’re leaving Biancavilla Tuesday, he said come in and he’d treat us to breakfast.

It was a fun crazy time with the whole group. All of us had pistachio gelato, so the kids have green or white faces, depending if they had cream on top.

We said our goodbyes to Lilliana and the kids, and had a moment to chill out before going out to another music night with Vincenzo, Mariella, and friends.

There was a knock at the door. Elena and kids, Mariella, and Giovanna entered. Giovanna bought us a little gift; a tiny cake topper from Thun. Thun is a high end ceramic store, where everything is in the same color palette and motif. The Ralph Lauren of Italian ceramics.

I was touched by her thoughtfulness, and told her we’d take a picture of it on the cake. I guess this means we need to get a cake. Maybe a cupcake? It’s a small ceramic piece.

Off they went; I changed clothes, and Vincenzo drove us once again to the wilderness to listen to music and eat afterwards.

The group was great, especially the piano player. They sang all the torchy croony songs—a little heavy on the scatting— and pronounced everything perfectly. We don’t often hear a good “th” here.

And, again, I don’t know how these people do it. The concert started around 10 pm, we ate afterward, and it’s a long drive home. Almost 2 am before I hit the pillow, and tomorrow we leave early in the morning for San Biagio Platani.


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